Fair Usage Policy

This Fair Usage Policy (as modified from time to time by Surveyink in its sole discretion) is a legal agreement between You (“Customer”, “You”, “Your”, “Client”, “User”) and Scrutiny Software Solutions Private Limited (“Company”, “Surveyink”) and defines the terms and conditions under which You are allowed to use the Services. This fair usage policy forms a part of the agreement and takes effect as soon as you begin using the Services.

We believe that this fair usage policy is generally a matter of common sense and courtesy to all those who are using the services of Surveyink. The vast majority of users will be able to use their own judgement as to what is appropriate to guide their behaviour when sending emails and campaign marketing in conforming to this policy.

By using the Services, You agree that the provision and receipt of Services are expressly conditioned on the acceptance of the terms in this fair usage policy. If you enter into this fair usage policy or use the Services on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to accept this fair usage policy on the entity's behalf.

In order to use the Services, You must:

• complete the registration process

• agree to this fair usage policy

• provide true, complete, and up to date contact information to Company.

Client and User Obligations

The Clients and Users who register in Surveyink campaign web application will adhere to the following:

• keep contact information for User’s Account updated and promptly respond to queries from Company

• use reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Services, and notify Company promptly of any such unauthorized access or use

• use the Services in compliance with Laws, the Agreement, and this fair usage policy

• Clients and Users are obliged to inform Surveyink team before 3 days or 72 hours prior to unsubscribing the pricing plan in Surveyink services

Banned Content

Please don’t use Surveyink to send anything offensive, to promote anything illegal, or to harass anyone. The Clients and Users may not send:

• Campaigns offering to sell illegal goods or services

• Pornography/sexually explicit content

• Emails that causes terror and panic among the public and endangers public safety

• Emails that contain spam, current political issues and violate Laws

• Terrorist campaigning activity

Some industries abuse their customers through the campaign marketing, which can jeopardize the deliverability of our entire system. In order to maintain the highest delivery rates possible for all our Members, we can’t allow businesses that offer these types of services, products, or content:

• Escort services, mail-order bride/spouse finders, international marriage brokers, and other similar sites and services

• Hookup, swinger, or sexual encounter sites or services

• make money online lead generation opportunities

• Ponzi scheme businesses

• Gambling services or products

• Credit repair and get out of debt opportunities

Restricted Actions for Clients/Users

The Clients and Users who use the services of Surveyink must not do the following:

• Send Spam can be in the form of bulk emails or one to one commercial emails

• Put into your Campaigns or user account any material that wasn’t created by you, provided for you to use, or that would violate anyone’s rights including text, photos, graphics, and other content.

• Use any misleading or incorrect names, addresses, email addresses, subject lines, or other information in the Service or in any Campaigns created, managed or sent using our Service.

• Sharing your password to others.

• Decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the Software.

• Set up multiple accounts for any person or entity in order to send similar content.

• Send Campaigns that will be delivered to recipients as text, SMS, or MMS messages unless using a feature designed for that purpose.

• Host images or content on our servers for any purpose other than for your use of the Service.

• Upload or send to purchased, rented, third-party, co-registered, publicly available data, or partner lists of any kind.

Prohibition against Unsolicited Email/Spam

Users must refrain from directly or indirectly sending, transmitting, distributing, or delivering:

• Unsolicited bulk email ("spam" or "spamming”) i.e., emails to persons who have not consented to the receipt of such emails by providing their email address in a manner from which consent to receive email may be reasonably implied.

• Email to an address obtained via Internet harvesting or other surreptitious methods (e.g., scraping, renting, purchased list, co-registration, affiliate marketing, incomplete or old lists; or email appending).

• Email that generates abuse/spam complaints or spam trap hits resulting in IP/Domain blacklisting or other deliverability issues that could have material impact on Surveyink or its client’s reputation.

Inclusion of Unsubscribe option

Users must ensure all commercial emails sent include a provision for recipients to "unsubscribe" or revoke permission of receiving any future messages from the user. To confirm the matter, the user must agree to the following:

• To have procedures in place to allow a recipient to easily unsubscribe or opt-out, such as: (a) a clear appended link for recipients to easily opt-out of receiving future messages, or (b) Instructions to reply with the word "Remove" in the subject line;

• Unsubscribes should be removed without delay with no future messages being sent unless future permission is granted.

Impact of Fair Usage Policy on Email Plans & Subscriber Plans on exceeding limits

Under Fair Usage Policy, Email plans and Subscriber plans are not changed according to the subscriptions.

If the user exceeds the limit of their plan usage, then the delivery of these emails may be terminated before they even leave the server due to limitation numbers of emails and subscribers. So, clients are asked to be careful and check on their number of subscribers before entering to run an email marketing campaign.

If there are custom plans created for large enterprises or corporate companies, Surveyink will abide the rules and usage limit guaranteed to them according to their agreement.

Rights of surveyink.com

The following are some of the exclusive rights of the Surveyink team:

• Where you are in breach of this Fair Use Policy, Surveyink team may contact you to discuss changing your usage so that it conforms to this Fair Use Policy.

• We reserve the right to vary the terms of the Fair Use Policy from time to time without prior notice or intimation.

• If, emails or subscribers reaches the levels of usage mentioned against your pricing plans, the Surveyink team will contact your to contain it. If the situation of your excessive or unreasonable use continues then the Surveyink team may hold your account with or without any further notice to you.

• Suspend or limit the Service (or any feature of it) for any period We think is reasonably necessary; and/or

• Terminate your agreement in accordance with the breach of conditions of Terms & Conditions and privacy policy of the agreement.

As a marketing platform, we feel that it is our responsibility to be extra attentive about preventing the abuse of our services to protect the clients and their subscribers from harmful campaigns and information. It’s also in our best interest to keep the system clean, because our reputation and deliverability depend on it. We may suspend or terminate your account if any of the client are found to violate the terms, privacy and fair usage policy.